Guy Annan

Ideas, work, music and other ramblings.

The Renaissance of Live Music

Interactivity within a live music setting, think the likes of Bjork, Flying Lotus, Squarepusher where the typical crowd to stage separation is being pulled down and bought closer together with a third component..interactivity.

Today fans demand so much more from a live experience, with the proliferation of tools to create music, mix and collaborate the ability for an average Joe to break into the music sphere is easier than ever. And with this fans can now see through the mirage of bright lights mist haze to really question “what is the artist doing?” or comparatively “can I do what she does at home or on my phone?”. This proposes and exciting challenge for the common nightclub 1 am Dj/Producer as put simply the listener expects more, and if they don’t get it the listener will happily tell said DJ/Producer what she should play and how she should play.

What really sticks with a fan now is how they form part of the show, the equivalent to the bazzer rushing the stage of a typical rock concert in the 80’s 90’s. The need to be a part of the art.. this is what every single one of your listeners needs, they have to be part of it, they have to make their mark on the experience and this must be voluntary. I’m not saying that every single fan want’s to run and crash on your stage, for some fans that’s more a combination of drunkness/extroversion rather than love. What I am saying though is that through some component you need to reach out and grab your fans, collaborate with them allow the ones who want to be on the ride to do so in a meaningful manner that’s truly memorable & immersive.

Traditionally we had the record, tape or CD. The tangible aspect of purchasing music. These do still exist today in niche markets (the rise of vinyl) and they are wonderful examples of how a listener could dig a little deeper and really hold a visceral component of the music. With that falling wayside to the likes of subscription music services, the onus is now on the live show, the live show is usually the only physical element of the artist. If we can use creative components to close the gap between the stage and the floor and enhance the interactive and physical elements of the show, we will see incredible things that music breathes life to, this is the new renaissance of live music.

Guy Annan

+61 455 310 648